The retreat house’s address is:
(website: is regularly updated-Check in when you can!)
Mount Alvernia’s physical address for GPS devices and Internet map searches is:
Mount Alvernia Retreat Center
158 Delavergne Avenue, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590-0858
Directions by car: Mount Alvernia Retreat Center is located in the village of Wappinger Falls, off of Route 9D. It is approximately 60 miles north of New York City and approximately 10 miles south of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Major highways nearby include: Interstate 84, the New York Thruway, Route 9, and the Taconic Parkway.
Directions by train: From Grand Central Station, on the Metro-North Hudson Line, the nearest train station is the New Hamburg Station. Call the Metro-North Railroad or check their web site, for schedule, fare, and station information.From Albany, New York, on Amtrak, the nearest train station is the Poughkeepsie Station. From Poughkeepsie, take a taxi cab. Call Amtrak or check their web site, for schedule, fare, and station information.
- The weekend is run by the Manhattan College Reality Retreat Team and Franciscan Friars.
- While the weekend has a number of activities, each person is encouraged to spend the weekend as best suits him.
- We have Five (5) dynamic speakers, offering breakout session in small groups for reflection.
- It includes Mass, Adoration, Stations of the Cross, Rosary, and private time for Prayer.
- It offers opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation throughout the Retreat.
- The bedrooms are private, which allows for plenty of time for quiet introspection & prayer.
- All men are invited, so please consider joining us this year.
- Feel encouraged to invite someone you know who needs a retreat.
- Arrival time is @5-6 PM on Friday, concluding Sunday after lunch @1PM.
- All meals are included.
- Metro North Railroad (New Hamburg Station) is nearest commuter Train from Grand Central in NYC-please advise if you need someone to pick you up; nearby airport in Orange County is the New York Steward International Airport (SWF).
- A $75 deposit reserves you a spot. The total cost for the weekend is $325 (this is the “recommended” donation). Make check (deposit and balance when you get to the Retreat House in September) payable to:
Mount Alvernia Retreat Center
Contact Dermot Smyth if you are unsure or experiencing any difficulty in obtaining directions and information regarding the Retreat-
-the Retreat Team strives to make things easy for you to join us!